
Generating A Response


Client: ResponseGen

Methods: Cognitive Walkthrough, Contextual Inquiry, Interactive Prototyping, Architecture Flow Diagram,

Tools: Sketch, InVision App


ResponseGen is software created by a patent attorney to assist him in the creation of documents that object to patent office rejections. I was asked to evaluate ResponseGen and offer suggestions on how to make this software more user friendly. The eventual goal of this software is to free up time for the patent attorney by allowing their aides, or legal assistants, to assemble these document on behalf of the lawyer. Before starting this project, I knew absolutely nothing about the patent process or the types of legal documents that ResponseGen was made to create.

ResponseGen patent software

ResponseGen patent software

To familiarize myself with the software, I performed a cognitive walkthrough of ResponseGen. I was supplied with a list of tasks that a typical ResponseGen user would perform while using the software. I attempted to mimic each of these tasks and made note any area that could potentially cause pains for new users of the software.


To gain a better understanding into potential usability problems surrounding ResponsGen, I conducted a contextual inquiry.  Luckily, I was able to spend time with patent attorney Brian Wallenfelt and I watched as he used ResponseGen. Brian taught me a little about the patenting process and the documentation needed when responding to a patent rejection. Brian also helped me understand why attorneys need a tool like ResponseGen and where he believed the software needed improvement.  

A cognitive walkthrough of ResponseGen helped me spot areas of the software that could cause pains for new users of the product.

A cognitive walkthrough of ResponseGen helped me spot areas of the software that could cause pains for new users of the product.

Patent attorney Brian using ResponseGen.

Patent attorney Brian using ResponseGen.


To demonstrate my ideas for potential changes to ResponseGen, I built an interactive prototype.  I used the program Sketch to create graphics for my prototype and brought the prototype to life using the Invision app.

A note taking guide was created for the contextual inquiry session.

A note taking guide was created for the contextual inquiry session.

The prototype design process start…

The prototype design process start…

The existing build of ResponseGen allowed users to assemble documents section by section. My prototype for redesign generates the entire document and then allows the user to edit each section manually.

The existing build of ResponseGen allowed users to assemble documents section by section. My prototype for redesign generates the entire document and then allows the user to edit each section manually.

Here is a demonstration of my prototype in action.

Here is a demonstration of my prototype in action.

I used Sketch to build each screen for my prototype.

I used Sketch to build each screen for my prototype.

Invision prototyping creates an interactive experience where you and the client can work together to find solutions quickly.

Invision prototyping creates an interactive experience where you and the client can work together to find solutions quickly.

A key feature of my prototype was that users can upload their rejection from the patent office directly into ResponseGen. User were previously forced to keep this document open in a separate window to reference the document while preparing their res…

A key feature of my prototype was that users can upload their rejection from the patent office directly into ResponseGen. User were previously forced to keep this document open in a separate window to reference the document while preparing their response.

The original patent office rejection stays on the users screen and can be minimized or maximized. This will make referencing the document much easier for ResponseGen users.

The original patent office rejection stays on the users screen and can be minimized or maximized. This will make referencing the document much easier for ResponseGen users.

Attorney select appropriate responses from a drop down list of auto generated responses.

Attorney select appropriate responses from a drop down list of auto generated responses.

My recommendations were sent over to the team at ResponseGen.